On the end of each chapter there is somethink like this:
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<a class='positive' onClick='select_drop("review");' href='#'>Review this Chapter <FORM name=myselect> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'> var storyid = 6156941; var chapter = 18; var chapters = 18; var words = 66049; var userid = 1925848; var title = 'Bad+News+Bella'; var title_t = 'Bad News Bella'; var summary = 'Her glass is half empty. His is half full. Together they may just cause an overabundance of…liquids. Seattle_#1 anchor and her new cameraman may be perfect for each other; if only the truth could be caught on film. ExB – AH - M'; var categoryid = 2458; var cat_title = 'Twilight'; var datep = '07-19-10'; var dateu = '11-20-10'; var author = '107yearoldvirgin'; function select_drop(sel_value) { var rev = 0; var logind = 'http://login.fanfiction.net'; var review_url = '/review.php?storyid='+storyid+'&chapter='+chapter+'&storytextid=22620519'; var toast; if(sel_value == 'review') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/review.php?storyid='+storyid+'&chapter='+chapter+'&storytextid=22620519',560,470); } else if (sel_value == 'abuse') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/report.php?categoryid='+categoryid+'&chapter='+chapter+'&storyid='+storyid+'&title='+title,560,510); } else if (sel_value == 'c2') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/c2_addstory.php?action=add&storyid='+storyid,560,470); } else if (sel_value == 'fs') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/fav_add.php?add_favstory=1&storyid='+storyid,560,470); } else if (sel_value == 'fa') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/fav_add.php?add_favauthor=1&storyid='+storyid,560,470); } else if (sel_value == 'aa') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/fav_add.php?add_authoralert=1&storyid='+storyid,560,470); } else if (sel_value == 'sa') { toast = xwindow(logind+'/fav_add.php?add_storyalert=1&storyid='+storyid,560,470); } } </SCRIPT> <select name=opt title='story actions'> <option value=abuse>Report Possible Abuse <option value=fs selected>Add Story to Favorites <option value=sa>Add Story to Story Alert <option value=fa>Add Author to Favorites <option value=aa>Add Author to Author Alert <option value=c2>Add Story to Community </select> <input type=button value=Go onClick='select_drop(document.myselect.opt.options[document.myselect.opt.selectedIndex].value)'> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON Value=' < Prev ' onClick="self.location='/s/6156941/17/Bad_News_Bella'"> <SELECT title='chapter navigation' Name=chapter onChange="self.location = '/s/6156941/'+ this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + '/Bad_News_Bella';"><option value=1 >1. Preface<option value=2 >2. Seattle's Sweet Tart<option value=3 >3. Muff and Wang Go To the Fair<option value=4 >4. Trip, Fall and Leap<option value=5 >5. Eternal Sunshine of a Conflicted Mind<option value=6 >6. The Short Second Life<option value=7 >7. Egg Sandwiches for the Sex Starved Soul<option value=8 >8. Vagazzled<option value=9 >9. Lights, Camera, Sacktion<option value=10 >10. What, what?<option value=11 >11. Fig Newton's Law<option value=12 >12. BangerWang!<option value=13 >13. He's Just Not That In You<option value=14 >14. Theories and Queries<option value=15 >15. Infectious Affections<option value=16 >16. Either Way It Starts With 'A'<option value=17 >17. A Bajillion Little Pieces<option value=18 selected>18. Epilogue: Apples Fall From Trees</select> </form>
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I hope this time will be the same. It's not big but it's a little bit annoying.